
What Font Size Are Books Written In

Showtime Steps in Formatting for Print

This commodity is the showtime in a series to address formatting for print books. If y'all intend to self-publish print books (I can recommend the experience as a positive one), so having a few tips and insights about the procedure earlier you brainstorm volition be helpful.

Because in that location's a lot to embrace, this topic is going to require several articles. And even and then I won't be able to cover every topic in depth. All the same, if I demand to become deeper on a topic, I'll but work the info into another commodity.

Keep in mind as y'all read that this information deals solely with formatting impress books, not due east-books. (The specifics of my tips and suggestions are for MS Word, although yous can format your manuscript for print using InDesign from Adobe or other software.)


One time you lot've written, rewritten, edited, and polished your manuscript, you're ready to prepare it for release. And for our purposes in this article, that means prepare it for print.

You have lots of choices for press and distribution if you want to self-publish print books. Two popular choices are CreateSpace (Amazon's cocky-publishing group) and IngramSpark. Both have standardized the process, and y'all tin can find articles and forums filled with details and suggestions to assist y'all out.

In this article we're going to look at three important areas of formatting that y'all'll demand to decide on early in the process: trim size, font pick, and margin size.

Print Books

Pull out a paperback and examine it. Then pull out another dozen. At commencement glance, the interiors may look similar, but later some written report, yous'll annotation the differences. And if yous report even more books, you'll find other differences.

For every element on every page, every place you find a departure between books, a conclusion was involved. And when y'all cocky-publish, y'all've got to make the decisions. All of them.

Fifty-fifty when page elements are seemingly the aforementioned across books, you all the same take options.

Trim Size

Before yous begin formatting your text, you'll want to choose a trim size. The trim size refers to the physical dimensions of the volume. In inches, mutual trim sizes for print and self-published books are 5.25 x 8, 5.five x 8.v and half-dozen 10 9. Yet you're certainly not limited to these sizes; at that place are many, many more. Pull out a stack of books and measure them—you lot'll run across that you have options. For books with a lot of text, especially for nonfiction, 6 x 9 is a good choice. The longer book isn't quite so long when you brand the pages bigger. And that may touch on the bottom line.

The company that prints and distributes your books gets a greater per centum of the retail price of books with more pages, then your option of trim tin have fiscal consequences.

Yes, you could adjust the font to get more words on each folio and therefore lower the page count, but yous wouldn't want a font size that's likewise difficult to read. And fifty-fifty if the text is legible, it could still be pocket-size enough to brand the read difficult or uncomfortable.

Your best bet for choosing trim size is to study books similar to yours and brand your option based on what y'all see in those books. Both CreateSpace and IngramSpark provide lists of their trim options.

You lot could change the trim size later on you've worked through the formatting if you lot had to, but that would exist a lot of extra work and time. Try to pick the right trim size from the start.

Font and Font Size

Choosing a font and font size should be done in conjunction with choosing a trim size. You lot'll want to cull a font that works for impress books. And Times New Roman, Courier, and Arial are non gonna work.

A print book—paperback or hardcover—is not a school report, a white paper for the company, a newsletter, or a thesis. It's not going to be read from a estimator screen. A print book requires a font that's piece of cake on the eye, one that helps readers move apace from line to line and page to page. Information technology needs to invite readers to want to read page after page later page of directly text.

Yous'll probable want a serif font—with the embellishments that come with that font style—for the majority of your text. You can use sans serif fonts for headings, such every bit affiliate titles, but serif fonts are typically easier for reading a lot of text on a page.

Caslon, Minion, Garamond, Bembo, and Dante are oftentimes mentioned as good fonts for print books. There are others equally well. I suggest you make fourth dimension to investigate recommendations by a variety of book designers.

While you can buy fonts, perfectly acceptable fonts come with many products, so you may already have a font y'all can use. Some of the "pro" versions of the fonts exercise produce a nicer or more than polished await—if you'll be formatting a lot of books, you may desire to invest in a proficient font.

Can you lot legally use a font from your computer for your print book? According to David Bergsland in an article at The Volume Designer: "The fonts on your figurer are usually licensed and then that they can be embedded in a PDF. PDFs are used for impress books, every bit you know. So, you can pick a font which reads actually well and use it with no problem in the PDF you upload to CreateSpace, Lulu, Lightning Source, or whatever of the other print on demand vendors."

You'll also need to decide on the size of your font. Many impress books apply font sizes between 10 and xiv points (large print books are often 14 point). A couple of considerations as you lot make up one's mind font and font size: some fonts take up more space than others, even though the font size itself may be the aforementioned; and for some fonts, the letters themselves are thicker or thinner than the same letters in other fonts.

Play with different fonts and different sizes to judge the effect of different combinations. Impress a few pages with each combination to meet how they compare with printed books.


Across font and font size, yous'll also want to arrange the vertical infinite betwixt lines of text (leading) and perhaps the infinite betwixt characters (kerning).

In MS Discussion, although it'southward non labeled as leading, yous can change the space betwixt lines of text. You lot're already familiar with this if you've e'er changed unmarried line spacing to double or vice versa.

Go to the Home tab and click on the arrow to open the Paragraph Dialog box. Choose the Indents and Spacing tab, go to Spacing, and adjust line spacing. Try something like multiple or 1.two to start with.

Y'all may not have to change kerning, but y'all could. It'south probable you lot'll want to adjust the infinite between letters for titles or subheadings whose fonts are 14 point or larger. If yous don't, you may find there'southward too much space between the letters.

For kerning, become to the Home tab and click on the pointer to open the Font Dialog box. Click the Advanced tab. To brand automatic adjustments for fonts 14 points or larger, click on Kerning for Fonts and enter fourteen.

To help you make your decisions, y'all'll want to look at the number of characters per line and the number of lines per page produced by the trim, font, and margin sizes that you choose. These are details that will help you design a book that readers will savor spending time with and one that won't give them a headache.

Typographers and book designers spend many hours devising the correct balance of elements to make book pages appealing and the read easy on the reader. They likewise arrange the elements for flow. And many of these designers take shared their knowledge freely online.

Joel Friedlander at The Book Designer recommends 30-35 lines per page in a half dozen×9 trade paperback. Every bit y'all play with the trim, font, and margin sizes, you'll be able to meet how changing them affects the line count per page.

In a novel, near text on a page volition exist of the same style, some kind of body text. Except for the first and last pages of a chapter, it'due south likely that most pages in a novel will have the same number of lines per folio.

Nonfiction books may have a wider variety of line counts per page since pages in nonfiction books are interrupted by headers, example text, images, or other additions. It's likely that with at to the lowest degree some nonfiction, you'll desire more white infinite on a page, so you may include more than infinite between a heading and the text that comes before or that follows it. Adding vertical space between elements on the folio and using fonts of unlike sizes for unlike text elements will affect the number of lines per page.

Threescore-5 characters (including spaces) seems to be the standard for characters per line in print books, although there is great leeway at either side. I found the 65-grapheme recommendation in several places on the Internet, including in this commodity on line length and font size from Slap-up Magazine. (The article focuses on web design, but the data for impress books is there.)

Once again, I suggest that you explore the data and suggestions freely and widely available online. Look up topics such as formatting, lines per page, characters per line, recommended fonts and font sizes, then forth for print books (recommendations volition be different for e-books, magazines, and websites).


Page margins are the third of the major areas you'll demand to consider when you begin to format.

We format fiction manuscripts with margins of 1 inch on every side. But when it's time to format for print, y'all've got to start fresh with margins.

Before you showtime changing the margins on your manuscript, change the newspaper size of your document to match the trim size of the book you lot decided on. (This is a good fourth dimension to salve the document under another proper noun likewise.)

In MS Word, prepare margins and paper size on the Page Layout tab. Choose size and and then more paper sizes. Enter your dimensions (if yous haven't already saved dimensions for a print book) and be certain to employ to the whole document—you lot desire your paper size to be the same on every page.

You can then switch over to the margin tab, also in Page Layout.

You lot've definitely got options for your margins, simply you want your book to expect similar a book and not something odd.

Margins assistance readers follow the text, and they too hold some of the page elements, such as title, writer name, and folio numbers in headers or footers. Properly sized inner margins, those between the pages, make information technology easier for readers to run across all the text without needing to break the spine of the volume.

Typically, the more pages in a book, the wider the margins demand to be, especially the inner margin between facing pages.

Again y'all'll desire to investigate what volume designers have to say. I found some who recommended the same margins top and bottom just others who recommended larger bottom margins and even so others who suggested going with larger top margins. Expect at print books to see what choices were made for them and which you like.

Equally for side margins, y'all'll want to be sure to include white infinite on the page.

For inner margins, the thicker the book, the wider the margins demand to exist.

To aid you lot decide on margins, pull out books and measure the margins. Written report the layout of a lot of books—run across how margins create a certain feel or give you a particular impression near a book.

Printer/distributors for your impress on demand books may recommend minimum margins, only they may be also small for your needs.

Try setting meridian, lesser, and exterior margins to .75″ or .8″ to brainstorm with. If you're going to put title, author name, and page numbers all in the header, you might want a larger header and a smaller footer. If page numbers will be in the footer, you lot may want top and bottom margins to be the same. For a particular upshot, you may want the lesser margin to be bigger than the summit ane.

For your inner margins, begin with .8″ or even larger. (In Word, enter nothing in the inner margin field in Page Setup simply use the gutter margin instead and choose mirror margins from the Pages pick.) For books with a lot of pages—meaning a thicker spine—go bigger, fifty-fifty up to an inch or more. If inner margins are too minor, readers can't hands see the text closest to the spine. For minor and/or brusk books, you lot may exist able to go a bit smaller.

Once once again, study the way others have formatted before you lot. Measure the margins in several dozen books, especially those of a style, genre, and length similar to your book.


These three components—trim, font, and margins—are the setup you'll desire in place before you brainstorm formatting your story's text. Determining the best options for these components for your volume may take some time, simply don't rush. Y'all want readers to exist able to follow your text easily.

■  Be prepared to endeavor out multiple combinations—print several pages and fold or cutting them to requite yourself an idea of what the printed pages will look like.

■  Insert your sample pages into books and compare them with the text in those books.

■  Add headers and footers, even temporary ones, to see how they'll look in the infinite you've left for them in pinnacle and bottom margins.

■  Concord the folded or cut pages in your easily to meet where your fingers autumn—are your outer margins wide plenty that your fingers don't cover the text?

■  How does the line spacing compare to the impress books you're using as guides? Are the lines of text too shut together? Too far apart?

Decide on trim, font, and margin size earlier jumping in with other formatting. One time you have these elements in place, then you tin can tackle topics such equally hyphenation, widows and orphans, distance from the header to the text, distance between header and chapter heading, fonts for affiliate titles, fonts for headers and footers, placement of page numbers and and then forth.

Working through these three design components is just the beginning of formatting for print, simply it's a disquisitional commencement. Consider multiple options earlier making your decisions. Your decisions will bear on how the text looks on the page and the ease of the read for readers.

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Tags: formatting, print books Posted in: Self-Publishing

What Font Size Are Books Written In,


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